Medicinal plants tour
Here are some of the Alma Verde ethnobotanical plants you will be able to discover, see, smell, touch and try.

EPISCIA LILACINA, FAM. GESNERIACEAE, ALFOMBRA English CHARACTERISTICS It is a creeping plant with stolons. Leaves of various colors ranging from brown to pale green, pink and red. Light lavender flowers. They live in the tropical forest and prefer humidity. Shaded areas. Lowlands. And on the edges of the ravines and

PASSIFLORA EDULIS, FAM. PASSIFLORACEAE, PASSION FRUIT, MARACUYÁ English CHARACTERISTICS It is a climbing plant that reaches 9 meters in length. Large alternating leaves and very showy flowers with a combination of colors in the same flower that range from white to pink and pale blue. Its name was given by

RUMEX CRISPUS, FAM. POLYGONACEAE, YELLOW DOCK, RUIBARBILLO English CHARACTERISTICS It is a perennial herbaceous plant, which grows between 15 cm to 35 cm high. Lanceolate leaves with a red stem in the center. Small green flowers. The root is bright yellow inside. It is known by that name because of

HELIOTROPIUM INDICUM, FAM. BORAGINACEAE, SCORPION TAIL, COLA DE ALACRÁN English CHARACTERISTICS Herbaceous plant that reaches two meters in height, has many branches and at the edges forms small clusters of lilac-blue flowers that resemble the tail of a scorpion. USAGE They are observed naturally in vacant land and on the

RIPSALIS BACCIFERA, FAM. CACTACEAE, SOLDA CONSOLDA English CHARACTERISTICS It is an epiphytic plant that grows in very humid forests from 0 meters above sea level to 1000 meters above sea level. It grows on trees and along ravines in the province of Limón. USAGE This cactus is highly appreciated as

COCOS NUCIFERA, FAM. PALMACEAE, COCONUT, COCO PLAYERO English CHARACTERISTICS It is a palm tree widely cultivated in many parts of the world. Its fruit has a thick outer layer, a fibrous intermediate layer and a hard brown interior. This brown layer contains a white pulp and inside it contains a

CHEILOCOSTUS SPECIOSUS , FAM. COSTACEAE, SPIRAL GINGER, CAÑA AGRIA English CHARACTERISTICS They are large herbaceous plants that grow up to one and a half meters tall. They are characterized by their branches that grow in a spiral shape. It has white flowers at the end of the branch that grow

CNIDOSCOLUS ACONITIFOLIUS, FAM. EUPHORBIACEAE, CHAYA , ÁRBOL DE ESPINACA, CHICASQUIL English CHARACTERISTICS It is an evergreen shrub capable of reaching three meters in height. Its stem is green and weak. USAGE It is an ancient plant whose leaves have always been used in Mesoamerica by the Mayan culture, to prepare

ALOE BARBADENSIS, FAM LILIACEAE, SÁBILA AMARGA English CHARACTERISTICSIt is a green, fleshy plant that grows up to 60 cm high and with a stem that divides from its base into multiple leaves which have thorns on their edges. It has a reddish spike-shaped flower. A plant highly valued for its

ALOE VERA, FAM. LILIACEAE, SÁBILA English CHARACTERISTICS It is a green, fleshy plant that grows up to 60 cm high and with a stem that divides from its base into multiple leaves which have thorns on their edges. It has a yellow spike-shaped flower. A plant highly valued for its

MORINGA OLEIFERA, FAM. MORINGACEAE, DRUMSTICK TREE, MORINGA English CHARACTERISTICS It is a deciduous tree that reaches a height of 12 meters. Light green leaves, tripinnately compound. Produces small, fragrant flowers in clusters. It also produces hanging brown pods. It is a very easy tree to grow. USAGE It is widely

PIPER AURITUM, FAM. PIPERACEAE, ANISILLO, HOJA SANTA, HOJA DE MONO. English CHARACTERISTICS It is an aromatic herbaceous plant that lives in humid forests. Reaches 1.5 meters in height. Branched stem. Axillary inflorescences, in the form of white spikes. Simple, alternate, ovate leaves whose base is heart-shaped. USAGE Widely known and

PEPERONIA PELLUCIDA, FAM. PIPERACEAE, MAN TO MAN (creole), SHINING BUSH, UPLA KALULA (misquito), HIERBA DE SAPO English CHARACTERISTICS It is a herbaceous plant that reaches 50 cm in height. Its name probably comes from the position of its leaves in pairs. It grows in shady places. Succulent stems and shiny

PHYLLANTHUS NIRURI, FAM. PHYLLANTHACEAE, CHANCAPIEDRA English CHARACTERISTICS: It is a herbaceous plant that reaches 50cm in height. It grows wild and can be found in many areas of the planet. USAGE Well known in traditional medicine in South America, especially Brazil and Peru. Likewise in the Caribbean and India. MEDICINAL

MYRISTICA FRAGANS, FAM. MYRISTICACEAE, NUEZ MOSCADA English CHARACTERISTICS It is a leafy tree that reaches 13 meters in height. It produces berries that release their seeds when they ripen. This seed is actually nutmeg, which is highly valued as a spice. Nutmeg is not actually a nut, it is actually

ANONA MURICATA, FAM. ANNONACEAE, GUANÁBANA English CHARACTERISTICS It is a tree capable of reaching 12 meters in height. Highly appreciated for its fruit, it is also used to shade many other crops. USAGE Sweet edible fruit, consumed in smoothies, ice cream and juices. The tree is used as a windbreak,

ROLLINIA MUCOSA, FAM. ANNONACEAE, BIRIBÁ, ANONA AMAZÓNICA English CHARACTERISTICS The Biribá is a tree that grows up to 10 meters with elongated branches, branches that start growing near the base and has an extended crown. Its flowers are light green or dark green and are aromatic. The fruit is green

NEUROLOENA LOBATA, FAM. ASTERACEAE, JACKASS BITTERS, GAVILANA English CHARACTERISTICSIt is a herbaceous plant that grows 1-4 meters high. It is found at low elevations along roadsides or in vacant lots. The particular shape of its leaves makes them look like a hawk so that is the reason for its name

CURCUMA LONGA, FAM. ZINGIBERACEAE, TURMERIC, CÚRCUMA English CHARACTERISTICS It is a herbaceous plant that has a bright orange rhizome that measures 10 to 15 cm. The central stem has long lanceolate leaves of a dark green color. Turmeric looses its leaves during the dry season and later they are reborn

MOMORDICA CHARANTIA, FAM. CUCURBITACEAE, BITTER GROUND, SOROSÍ English CHARACTERISTICS It is a wild, climbing plant, fast growing and easy to adapt to all regions of the planet. It has a small fruit similar to an orange cucumber.USAGE Basically it has been given medicinal use in native cultures throughout America. In

LIPPIA ALBA, FAM. VERBENACEAE, JUANILAMA English CHARACTERISTICSThe juanilama is considered by native cultures throughout America to be a very prodigious plant due to its ease of reproduction, its pleasant aroma and its medicinal properties. A single central trunk gives rise to multiple branches and leaves which are all used for

BIXA ORELLANA, FAM BIXACEAE, ANNATTO, ACHIOTE English CHARACTERISTICSAnnatto is a very showy shrub that reaches 5 meters in height. It grows best at low elevations and in warm climates. It has pink flowers. The seeds have a very striking reddish color covered with a prickly skin. This capsule contains numerous

SANSEVIERIA TRIFASCIATA, FAM AGAVACEAE, SNAKE BITE, LENGUA DE SUEGRA English CHARACTERISTICS It is a perennial plant with vertical lanceolate leaves that grow up to 50cm high. The leaves are a varied green color combining light greens with dark greens and white on the edges. USAGE This plant has initially been

QUASSIA AMARA, FAM SIMAROUBACEAE, BITTERWOOD, HOMBRE GRANDE English CHARACTERISTICS It is a very colorful small tree. The young leaves are purple with green and the flowers are red. USAGE This tree is recognized as part of the folkloric medicine of Central America, used for medicinal purposes for hundreds of years.

JUSTICIA PECTORALIS, FAM ACANTHACEAE, CARPENTER BUSH, TILO English CHARACTERISTICS It is a small herbaceous plant that does not exceed 50 cm in height. It has small lilac flowers which are very aromatic. USAGE In the Caribbean area it is usually used in the form of teas to treat bronchitis or

KALANCHOE PINNATA, FAM CRASSULACEAE, LIFE EVERLASTING, HOJA DE AIRE, SIEMPREVIVA English CHARACTERISTICS In Costa Rica, this plant is common to find wild in patios at low elevations above sea level. It is a succulent herb that reaches 1 meter in height. Its leaves are very striking in a bright light

ARTROCARPUS HETEROPHYLLUS, FAM MORACEAE, JACK FRUIT, YACA English CHARACTERISTICS It is a large tree that grows 15 meters tall and has a trunk 3-4 meters in diameter. Long petiole leaves. It produces branch fruits on its 25 cm trunk, some of which are large, weighing up to 40 kilos. The

SENNA RETICULATA, FAM CAESALPINIOIDEAE , RINGWORM BUSH, SARAGUNDI English CHARACTERISTICS This plant is a shrub that grows wild from 2 to 4 meters high. It produces a yellow flower that is highly appreciated by certain species of animals.USAGE It is highly appreciated for the beauty of the shrub and its

HAMELIA PATENS, FAM RUBIACEAE, REDHEAD, CORALILLO English CHARACTERISTICS It is a perennial herb with long leaves supported by long pesioles that reach 60 cm to 1 meter in height. Although its origin is African, it has multiplied throughout the planet, showing a great capacity for adaptation and giving rise to

VANILLA PLANIFOLIA, FAM ORCHIDACEAE, VAINILLA English CHARACTERISTICS Vanilla is a climbing and creeping plant. It has exposed roots and external seeds. The flowers are pale colors that are born in lateral clusters. These flowers are very aromatic and are short-lived. It produces pods that are used to make vanilla essence,

EQUISETUM ARVENSE, FAM. EQUISETACEAE, HORSETAIL, COLA DE CABALLO English CHARACTERISTICS It is a plant that has a creeping rhizome from which several secondary roots grow. The adult plant can measure between 20 and 80 cm high. Its glass ends in a point. It is a very old species. It is

TRADESCANTIA ZEBRINA, FAM COMMELINACEAE, CUCARACHA, HOJA DEL MILAGRO English CHARACTERISTICS It is a creeping herbaceous plant with bicolor leaves and pinkish flowers. Reaches one meter in height.In this area, it is very common to find it in home gardens, in cocoa plantations and in vacant lots. USAGE The most common

HAMELIA PATENS, FAM RUBIACEAE, REDHEAD, CORALILLO English CHARACTERISTICS It is a shrub that reaches a height of up to 2 meters. It grows freely along roadsides, in grasslands and vacant lots. USAGE In the Southern Caribbean of Costa Rica it is used as a living fence because it is fast

ARTROCARPUS ALTILIS, FAM MORACEAE, FRUTA DE PAN O FRUTIPAN English CHARACTERISTICS It is a very leafy tree that, in adulthood, can reach a height of 21 meters. Its trunk can reach a diameter of 2 meters. It bears a single large fruit surrounded by thorns on some of its branches.

CYMBOPOGON NARDUS, FAM. GRAMINACEAE, CITRONELA English CHARACTERISTICS It is a large grass that reaches 1 and a half meters in size. It is very aromatic. USAGE The best-known use is as raw material to make lotions against mosquito bites. However, in some Asian countries it is very popular to improve

CYMBOPOGON CITRATUS, FAM. GRAMINACEAE, ZACATE DE LIMÓN English CHARACTERISTICS It is a variety of grass that grows form 60cm to 120cm. Its leaves are elongated in the shape of grass. They prefer warm weather. USAGE In some Asian countries it is an essential condiment for the preparation of rice, soups

PIMENTA DIOICA, FAM. MYRTACEAE, ALLSPICE, PIMIENTA DE JAMAICA English CHARACTERISTICS This tree grows between 7 and 10 meters high. USAGEThe main product used is the seeds and to a lesser extent the leaves. Its use is basically as a condiment in many dishes of Mesoamerican and Caribbean cuisine. It has

PIMENTA RACEMOSA, FAM. MYRTACEAE, BAYRUM, MALAGUETA English CHARACTERISTICS It is a tree that measures between 4 and 12 meters high. Straight trunk and leafy branches. The entire bush is aromatic. USAGE The leaves are stimulating. They are distilled into rum and hence its name Bay-Rum. The seeds and leaves have

OCIMUM BACILICUM, FAM. LAMIACEAE, SWEET BASIL , ALBAHACA English CHARACTERISTICS It is a herbaceous and aromatic plant that grows up to 50 cm high. USAGEKnown worldwide for its contribution to gastronomy, with a strong and very aromatic flavor. In the Mediterranean it is a basic condiment for the preparation of

CITRUS RETICULATA, FAM RUTACEAE, TANGERINE FRUIT, MANDARINA English CHARACTERISTICS It is a small tree measuring 2 to 5 meters depending on the variety and the geographical area where it grows. USAGE The most common use is the consumption of its juice as a refreshing drink. MEDICINAL USAGES The tangerine fruit

CITRUS LIMETTA RISSO, FAM. RUTACEAE, SWEET LEMON, LIMÓN DULCE English CHARACTERISTICS This citrus variety arises from a natural hybridization between a sour orange tree and a citron. It is a shrub that reaches a height of between 5-7 meters high. USAGE Its juice is mainly used to drink in soft

COLOCACIA ESCULENTA , FAM. ARACEAE, MALANGA English CHARACTERISTICS Malanga is a herbaceous plant that reaches two meters in height. A single central stem is the upper part of an tuber that is recognized for its multiple nutritional properties. It has a very high carbohydrate and protein content, higher than many

DISCOREA CAYENENSIS , FAM. DIOSCOREACEAE, ÑAME AMARILLO English CHARACTERISTICS It is a plant whose use depends on its tubers. MEDICINAL USAGE It is rich in antioxidants such as beta-carotene and vitamin C, and also has vitamin B6 and potassium. All these nutrients fight aging and prevent cardiovascular diseases. Its use

COLA ACUMINATA, FAM. MALVACEAE, COLANA NUTS, ÁRBOL DE COLA English CHARACTERISTICS The tree known as Cola Acuminata reaches a size of between 20-25 meters in height. It produces a fruit, a nut, which in times past was one of the ingredients of Coca Cola. It is a slow growing plant.

AVERRHOA CARAMBOLA, FAM. OXALIDACEAE, STAR FRUIT, CARAMBOLA English CHARACTERISTICS It is a tropical shrub that reaches between 3-5 meters in height. USAGE It produces clusters of starry fruits with five points. They are edible, sweet, green when they are new and later when they are ripe turn yellow. They are

POLYPODIUM SP, FAM. POLYPODIACEAE/BEAR PAW FERN CALAGUALA English CHARACTERISTICS It is a shrub with a branched stem that reaches a height between 6-10 meters high. Its use in Costa Rica dates back to the 19th century. Two varieties are known, one with green leaves and the other with brown leaves.

POLYPODIUM SP, FAM. POLYPODIACEAE/BEAR PAW FERN CALAGUALA English CHARACTERISTICS Like most ferns, this plant has an intricate, creeping root sys- tem and it is this rhizome, as well as the fronds or leaves, that is used medicinally. MEDICINAL USAGE In traditional medicine, it is used for skin disorders, rheumatism, dementia

BLIGHIA SAPIDA, FAM. SAPINDACEAE AKÍ, SESO VEGETAL , AKEE English CHARACTERISTICS It grows naturally along streams and marshy areas but in Costa Rica is popular in gardens because of its medicinal use. MEDICINAL USAGE Infusion of the flowers is an efficient sudorific and helps in the case of flu, cold,

BLIGHIA SAPIDA, FAM. SAPINDACEAE AKÍ, SESO VEGETAL , AKEE English CHARACTERISTICS Akee is a tree which grows to 10 -20 m. The fruit can be fried, boiled, or eaten raw. It is common in Cahuita’s kitchen. The edible part is an aril. Warning! The fruit is toxic before it ripens

HIBISCUS ROSA-SINENSIS, FAM. MALVACEAE FLOR DE JAMAICA / HIBISCU English CHARACTERISTICS Hibiscus is one of the most popular decorative plants but it is also used as food and medicine. MEDICINAL USAGE An infusion of leaves and flowers helps during painful and excessive menstruation. To cure skin problems, should be used

CLIRI SOBALANUS ICACO, TAM. CHRYSOBALANACEAER LEACO PARADISE PLUM / COCOPLUM English CHARACTERISTICS Cocoplum grows dense in the sea shore regions of south Florida and tropical zones. It reaches a height of 15 feet and spreads to 15 feet. It is salt tolerant and grows in full sun or partial shade

PIPER UMBELLATUM, FAM. PIPERACEAE SANTA MARÍA / MONKEY’S HAND English CHARACTERISTICS Monkey’s Hand is a native to Central America that thrives in gaps of the rainforest. Their fruits play an important role as food for bats and some birds. Their finger-like fruit spikes are made of hundreds of tightly packed

UNCARIA TOMENTOSA, FAM. RUBIACEAE UÑA DE GATO / CAT’S CLAW English CHARACTERISTICS Cat’s claw is a liana which grows up to 20 m long. It has its name because of the spines on the stem. The entire plant is ground into a powder which may be consumed by people at

CUPHEA PARSONSIA, FAM. LYTHRACEAE ESPALDA FUERTE / STRONG BACk English CHARACTERISTICS Strong Back is an arid medical plant with a bitter taste and a smell that may be irritating to the eyes and nose. The root, which features natural aphrodisiac properties, grows naturally throughout the rural areas of the island

CHRYSOBALANACEAE LEACO English CHARACTERISTICS Cocoplum grows dense in the sea shore regions of southern Florida and tropical zones. It reaches a height of 15 feet and spreads to 15 feet. It is salt-tolerant and grows in full sun or partial shade on a wide range of soils. For these reasons,

ANEMOPSIS CALIFORNICA, FAM. SAURURACEAE YERBA MANSA / AMERICAN SWAMP ROOT English CHARACTERISTICS The Yerba Mansa is also called Lizard Tail and Swamp Root; it is native to the Southwestern part of North America. It is a perennial flowering plant that blooms in spring, with one flower per stalk (similar to

CARICA PAPAYA English CHARACTERISTICS The papaya is a large, tree-like plant, with a single stem grow- ing from 5 to 10 m tall, with spirally arranged leaves confined to the top of the trunk. It is native to the tropics of the Ameri- cas, from southern Mexico and around Central

SMILAX OFFICINALE Español CARACTERÍSTICAS La zarzaparrilla es una liana que crece en la selva, subiendo el suelo del bosque a la cubierta. Hay más de 200 especies de Smilax en el mundo siendo la zarzaparrilla la más conocida como ginseng tropical. USOS MEDICINALES La raíz ayuda en el tratamiento contra

Agave americana
AGAVE AMERICANA English ORIGIN Century plant is a flowering plant, native to Mexico, Texas and Arizona, which is reproduced for ornamental use worldwide. CHARACTERISTICS It has gray-green leaves up to 1 meter long, each with a prickly margin and a heavy spike at the tip that can pierce flesh to

ASCLEPIAS CURASSAVICA, FAM.APOCYNACEAE, MILKWEED, ALGODONCILLO English CHARACTERISTICS The latex of the plant contains large quantities of cardiac gly- cosides, making the leaves and pods toxic for sheep and other large mammals and possibly humans (if you ingested large amounts). The buds and young leaves, flower buds and im- mature fruits

Caprifloiaceae Sauco
Caprifloiaceae Saúco English CHARACTERISTICS Elder grows naturally along streams and marshy areas but in Costa Rica is popular in gardens because of its medicinal use. MEDICAL USAGE Infusion of the flowers is an efficient sudorific and helps in the case of flu, cold, fever, cough and bronchitis. Juice of the

Cuculmeca English CHARACTERISTICS China roots are found in primary rainforest habitats of Costa Rica and other Central American countries. It is a vine with thorny stems that have shiny smooth alternating leaves. The flowers are small and green and the seed capsules are brown. The tuber is the primary part

Calaguala / Bear Paw Fern English CHARACTERISTICS Like most ferns, this plant has an intricate, creeping root sys- tem and it is this rhizome, as well as the fronds or leaves, that is used medicinally. MEDICINAL USAGE In traditional medicine, it is used for skin disorders, rheumatism, dementia and memory

Piperaceae Santa María
Piper umbellatum, fam. Piperaceae Santa María / Monkey’s Hand English CHARACTERISTICS Monkey’s Hand is a native to Central America that thrives in gaps of the rainforest. Their fruits play an important role as food for bats and some birds. Their finger-like fruit spikes are made of hundreds of tightly packed

Citrus aurantium, fam. Rutacea Naranja agria / sour orange English CHARACTERICTICS Naranja agria is a small tree which grows to 5-10 m. USAGE It is popular in Costa Rican cuisine as a fruit juice, salad dressing or marmalade. The rind of the sour orange is used for flavoring liqueurs such

Gliricidia sepium, fam. Fabaceae Madero negro / rat killer tree, quick stick English CARACTERISTICS The blackwood is popular along roadsides and is found bordering coffee and cocoa plantations as a fence. It grows up to 10 m. Its English name indicates the plant’s previous use. Traditionally, the leaves were boiled

Stelechocarpus burahol, fam. Annonaceae Kepel/Perfume Fruit English CHARACTERISTICS Kepel is a fruit tree that produces fruits on the trunk, not on the branch. Some say this means it is verv ancient species. It has pink-cream flowers which grow straight out of the trunk of the tree. The fruit’s flesh is

Theobroma English The almond in hot emulsion is an effective corroborant and diaphoretic; it is used at the end of laborious illnesses in the form of chocolate to strengthen the stomach, in tuberculosis, and in other conditions sustained by weakness. The knowledge of the almond itself is oily and pectoral,