Who we are

Our Mission​

Cahuita Wild Life Lodge is a unique place on the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica. Located just 100 mtrs from Playa Grande, a place that the majestic leather back turtles choose as a nesting spot. Dedicated to preservation of nature, wildlife and the legacy left by our ancestors. We offer activities that nourish the spirit,  allowing visitors to discover more of this wonderful tropical ecosystem. It is a center of knowledge and exploration of the inner and outer worlds. The garden has trails leading to the discovery of hundreds of medicinal plants, including cacao, one of our main treasures with which we make our delicious chocolate and different therapies. This place was created in harmony with the environment and the animals that inhabit it.

Our Philosophy​

Our main objective is to explore and share the connection with the self and the environment. Reminding people of the importance of reconnecting with the world around us, so we can learn to preserve it. The world needs our direct involvement and that is why we are willing to share this beautiful space and hope to bring us closer to our main goal, which is the preservation of our natural resources.


We have a dream, we would like to teach the younger generations to respect and take care of nature. We’re setting up a program to work with local schools so we can teach the children how to grow their own food, prepare compost and take care of the environment. 

Since we have knowledge of the medicinal plants we would like to share that knowledge with the kids so they can have a stronger foundation when they reach adulthood. There are so many illnesses that can be cured with the plants that are all over the area that it is not really necessary to go to the pharmacy and purchase pills. 

Our main goal is to keep the traditions of our ancestors and teach the children about the life that their parents and grand parents used to have. We want them to live a healthy and  sustainable life by being more connected with nature. 

The garden has trails leading to the discovery of hundreds of medicinal plants, including cacao, one of our main treasures with which we make our delicious chocolate and different therapies. This place was created in harmony with the environment and the animals that inhabit it.

Meet The Team

Skilled and kind

Fernando Davis

Naturalist Guide, Ancestral Medicinal Plants master and Ancestral Chocolate

Eduardo Mejia

Computer guy, Administrator and Logistics Coordinator


Local Cuisine Cook and Chocolatier